Informed Decisions

Educational Advancement Society (IDEAS) 

What is Informed Decisions Educational Advancement Society (IDEAS)?


In the past, Janice L. Ponds; M.A., LADC, CBIS, has spoken at seminars, workshops, and churches to provide information to assist individuals in gaining knowledge, strategies, skills, and tools in understanding the impact of social, spiritual, and political issues that may affect their lives. So many times we are surrounded with people dealing with a wide variety of issues that are crippling their lives. Many are faced with hopelessness as they struggle to make sense of their lives which may be filled with despair and anguish. 

Often, these issues take on a path of pathology. Pathology seems like such a strong word to apply to people; yet it is worthy of consideration for purposes of identification and understanding. Merriam-Webster defines pathology as the study of the essential nature of diseases and especially of the structural and functional changes produced by them.

Disease is defined as a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury; a particular quality, habit, or disposition regarded as adversely affecting a person or group of people. How can the aforementioned categories; social, political, and spiritual, take on a pathology that operates just like a disease? All of this warrants further consideration.

Often, these pathological patterns are inbred, unhealthy, and dysfunctional; often seizing one’s very being. We can actually observe a disease process of addiction develop and unfold in a person’s life. It can either be happening to us, or we observe it in others. If one personally experiences this pathology, and/or observes it in those around them such as family members; it takes the impact to an entirely other level.

If it is observed, many often feel helpless to do anything about it. How many times have we stood by and watched this pathology as it was leading to physical death in those we love? The operation of this pathology has the potential to cloak one’s eyes with a blinding process that literally cripples their decision-making processes. Their decisions often lead to literal death.

This deadly process often begins without people even recognizing or acknowledging what is transpiring. Many times, if there is awareness, people often appear to be incapacitated on how to stop what ends up being a deadly outcome. THIS IS THE INSIDIOUS PROCESS OF ADDICTION.  Are we to accept that watching this deadly process unfold is just how it is supposed to be, or can we intervene and stop a cunning series of events?

If a deadly process was encroaching upon your life; would you recognize it? What does it look like? It has a certain sound and presentation.  What does it sound like? My family did not recognize the encroachment, the look, the sound, or the presentation. Why did we ever think what was occurring to us was normal? How can something so painful not be talked about, processed, and understood? Are there other Americans experiencing a fatal process without even recognizing what is occurring to them?

I lost my daddy and three brothers to this insidious process. It is not normal to lose that many family members to the same contributing factors. What factors determines that any survive a process that may respond to interventions?  What role of actually pursuing an understanding of the dynamics that led to the demise of such fine men play?  What difference would this understanding make?  Could an understanding of these specific dynamics actually save the lives of others?

A main goal of INFORMED DECISIONS EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT SOCIETY (IDEAS) is to address the core of these issues by speaking, and conducting seminars and workshops to educate and empower individuals on how to locate where they may be in the stages of pathology, and moreover how to gain insight on how to pursue pathways of recovery and wellness which will lead to improved lifestyles exemplified by a renewed sense of hope in life.

Janice Ponds, M.A., LADC, CBIS, is very effective in speaking to initiate and encourage those struggling with the ramifications of issues related to addiction; with individuals being encouraged to pursue a pathway of wellness and recovery. As this path is chosen and pursued, individuals and families will have the opportunity to receive Horizon Wellness Packets. The focus of Horizon Wellness Packets is to allow recipients to participate and experience activities that simply broaden and expand their horizons.

When families are plagued with the insidious pathology of addiction, family members often never experience basic activities that so many take for granted. Patterns of dysfunction often keep families in complete turmoil, with chaos creating environments that breed brokenness. The lack of certain activities and experiences can contribute to a depleted, empty, meaningless life. Healthy and positive activities may include things such as having a massage for self-care or going on a weekend excursion.

INFORMED DECISIONS EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT SOCIETY is an answer to bringing awareness to stop unhealthy patterns that wreak havoc in families and communities. The founder of this 501(c) (3) organization lived this type of brokenness as a result of losing her father and brothers to the insidious pathology of addiction. Her family never identified what was occurring with them. There was no basic knowledge of what alcoholism and addiction really was. Her family never learned how to put a language to what was occurring with them. The end result was the senseless deaths of amazing and talented men.

The heart of INFORMED DECISIONS EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT SOCIETY is to bring awareness and point people towards intervention. People don’t have to die from a lack of knowledge anymore.

Horizon Wellness Packets will sponsor individuals and families who choose a pathway of recovery and wellness. Through these awards, individuals and families may be rewarded with “packages of wellness” that include things such as having a life coach, Equine Therapy, family therapy, individual therapy, and/or massage therapy. Other “wellness packages” will include sponsoring a family to go on weekend excursions such as a trip to the beach and experience the healing virtues of the ocean. These experiences will be a part of the process of recovery and wellness.

The goal of Horizon Wellness Packets is to broaden and expand one’s horizons in healthy ways. Wellness and recovery is attainable.

Sometimes people simply need knowledge, direction, and support.

Long-term Effects

In the confusion of today’s political climate, there are many narratives that vie for the attention of the masses. But only those narratives that are based on truth, principles, and the lessons of the past will have long term effects on the minds of those searching for answers. The Scapegoat is such a narrative. Powerfully written, full of honesty, and abounding with principle … a book you will want to add to your library. You will not be disappointed.

Mark Robinson
2020 Republican Nominee for
Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina

Should Be Required Reading

This book should be required reading before anyone graduates from high school so they can gain understanding before they can register to vote! I would suggest it be required for anyone who plans to vote, but I can’t be everywhere to read it to everybody, so I can only pray that as many people as possible get their hands on a hard copy or audio version ASAP!

– Eva Kolosiek

Five Stars

I’m one chapter away from finishing the first read of this book. GET AND READ it!!  It’s written in a relaxed way that causes you to absorb the content. Written in a way that is not just a compilation of historical facts, but in a very personal way that will allow you to identify with the content and the writer. The Scapegoat causes you to ‘think’ critically and question with intellectual honesty. Definitely a 5 Star endeavor.

– Ronnie Baker

Contact Janice

Whether you are looking for a guest speaker, would like to request Janice for a radio or television appearance, or have a powerful personal testimony of free thinking in your own life, we would love to hear from you!

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